
Monday, January 28, 2013

Lost Cat, Found

A lost kitty cat found its way to my mom's house about December 18 while I happened to be visiting for the holidays. We snapped a few photos of her and uploaded them to Craigslist. Mom also drafted up a few hand-written bills and pasted them up around her neighborhood.

We kept an eye on PetFinder for a few days but we didn't see a match. My mom swore she'd get rid of the cat, but she kept putting off bringing it to the pound.

Fast forward to today. I was checking my junk folder and saw a message about the cat sent two weeks ago! Oh no, it had slipped past. I called Mom to let her know, but by amazing coincidence the kitty's owners had managed to find out Mom had the cat, so they picked her up over the weekend. The cat and her family were reunited!

Heartwarming. :)

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