
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Backbone.js on Code School

Thanks to Code School, I was able to work through some Backbone.js tutorials.

Code School is setup to present a topic in multiple sections. Each section begins with a 15 minute video which covers a few key points about the topic. For example, in the Backbone.js tutorial one section explained how the event model worked, using a todo list as an example application. After the video, there is a small interactive quiz that reinforces the key points from the section. The quiz part includes a code editor, and when you submit your answer it actually runs the code and judges you on the results, not on the code itself.

Although the two courses I ran through today had high production value, the site itself is narrowly focussed on Ruby and JavaScript. I won't be buying a Code School membership after this trial, but I'll keep my eye on it and if the number of tutorials that interest me continues to expand, I may revisit that decision.

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